Good one, asshole

By Anonymous - 24/05/2013 21:43 - Iceland - Akureyri

Today, a package was delivered to my house, addressed to me, clearly marked "Sexual health products." Inside were condoms, birth control pills, and an invoice made out to me. My parents went ballistic and grounded me. Whoever staged this "hilarious" prank: well played, asshole. FML
I agree, your life sucks 74 633
You deserved it 6 308

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Wealthyparrot 9

Your parents suck. On the other hand, that is hilarious! The prankster probably didn't count on your parents being such insufferable prudes.

All these people saying that the parents should be happy are absolutely retarded. There is no guarantee that those will keep you protected and therefore abstinence is the only way to prevent pregnancies or STDs. Your parents were right to ground you, but they should have talked about it with you. Maybe then they would know their kid isn't dumb enough to do something so blatantly idiotic as to mail that stuff to yourself.

OP didn't order the stuff, but it's still right of the parents to ground her? How?

meganroisin 1

It's attitudes like that that lead to unplanned pregnancies when kids aren't taught about protection and birth control. Deliberate abstinence is unnatural and shouldn't be forced on anyone.

I did this once out of revenge.It's amazing being able to send free samples ^^ hehe

Were the birth control pills fake, or did this person get a script just to prank you?

I'll never understand why parents get angry with their kids for opting for birth control (depending on age).

rabies_suck 4

Your parents should have been happy your using protection!

How did your parents "go ballistic and ground you" and your still able to get on the Internet?