Good one, asshole

By Anonymous - 24/05/2013 21:43 - Iceland - Akureyri

Today, a package was delivered to my house, addressed to me, clearly marked "Sexual health products." Inside were condoms, birth control pills, and an invoice made out to me. My parents went ballistic and grounded me. Whoever staged this "hilarious" prank: well played, asshole. FML
I agree, your life sucks 74 612
You deserved it 6 305

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Your parents just didn't want you to use them. So, they grounded you.

That is a hilarious prank. Too bad your parents could not see it as a joke.

dodzin 9

If you would be my daughter I wouldn't ground you. In contrary iI would praise your wisdom. Your ship is well equipped captain!!! Happy sailing in the ocean of pleasure!