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By Anonymous - 06/07/2012 10:42 - United States

Today, I was the maid of honor at my sister's wedding. I was the first one to walk down the aisle, where I managed to trip over a wire, shutting off the music and falling on my face. My family cheered and took pictures. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 640
You deserved it 3 544

Same thing different taste

Top comments

saIty 17

Was it a Justin Bieber song you shut off? If so, that's why your family cheered and took pictures. You're a hero!

perdix 29

Actually, you were the cannon fodder for the bride. You discovered the booby trap set for your sister, and everyone was cheering your valor and courage.


Talk about trying to upstage the bride!

Every bride wants to have a memorable wedding, very sweet of you to give her one OP!

Every wedding has to have at least one catastrophe!

saIty 17

Was it a Justin Bieber song you shut off? If so, that's why your family cheered and took pictures. You're a hero!

perdix 29

Yes, the best man was holding his crotch, leering at the bride and mouthing the lyrics "If I were your boyfriend." Good job cutting off this abomination.

whasssgood 1

Who doesn't play Justin bieber at their wedding these days...

perdix 29

People with taste in music. People who can distinguish between musical talent and commercially hyped fraud. Need I go on?

People who don't have a loaded gun to their back. :D

If they are playing Justin Bieber at their wedding, they are too young to wed!

perdix 29

Actually, you were the cannon fodder for the bride. You discovered the booby trap set for your sister, and everyone was cheering your valor and courage.

Oh my goodness, you poor thing. This is the sort of story that lives forever so you will have to hear about it at every family gathering from now until you are all old and senile. The only way out for you is if another relative has a more spectacular crash so start plotting your booby trap now.

doglover100 28

That was rude instead of helping. I think it could've been worse.

olpally 32

No need to crash the wedding, op.

cptmorgan6 8

Who the **** puts wires across the aisle at a wedding? I'm sure that's not the only way the sound system could have been set up.

perdix 29
coletrain11 5

Well, you're supposed to cry at weddings.

BeforeItWasCool 12

And where does the OP mention anyone crying?

I'm assuming based on the situation. Anyways, I consider FMLing parallel with whining.

smydiwannafthata 5

I would cheer too. Nothing cheers up the wedding like a fallen maid of honor. Only thing that might make it better is some sort of exposer after/during the fall.

Yes exposed boobies make everything better