By sugarysofalof - 13/06/2013 04:22 - United States - Denver
sugarysofalof tells us more.
Hahahaha I was wondering why my bottom lip looked slightly fuller I am reminded. This happened late last night. Somehow that response was involuntary. If that labels me with stereotypical American idiocy, so be it. I wouldn't have posted this on FML if I was looking for sympathy :)
Top comments
Isn't the normal reaction to swat the bug?
the intelligence of Americans never fails to amaze me
#5 From #1's profile "Town/Country : UK"
#5 Sadly idiocy knows no boundarys. As your comment so conveniently demonstrates.
The douchebaggery in strong in this one.
This has nothing to do with me bring British, he was referring to the stereotype of Americans being dumb
7, *Boundaries 5, how stereotypical and ignorant
Explanation...Op is not normal.
In response to #1, some people panic and dont think about where they swat. I know I've slapped my cheeks a couple of times for this. Lol
I've done this. It feels douchey but what are you supposed to do, sit there and let a bug think its cool beans to fly into your ear? Hell no! I hate bugs. I'd rather punch myself in defense than be cool with it crawling in.
Exactly. OP, a mosquito landed on my eye this night, so I punched it. Got a swollen eye now. Oh, and first blood ;)
You sure taught that bug! Hit yourself again...make absolutely sure it knows who it's dealing with!
Maybe use a bat, that will scare the bug even more!
Or a taser. To your balls. Show that bug the meaning of fear!!!! YDI for poor aim and overreacting.
I'm sure by punching yourself in the face you showed the bug how much of a complete psychopath your really are. And everyone knows how much bugs hate psychopaths.
Do you hit yourself on the side of your head when you get something in your eye aswell?
I don't know where your eyes are located but mine are on the front of my face.
Aww, I feel bad for you #11. You missed the point.
Someome explain then. Otherwise I'll be a clueless twit.
to help #14. There was a bug in the ear of OP. Panicking, they hit themselves in the face. meaning, there was something on the side of the head of OP, and he hit the front. completely missing the fly. so when when the joke was made about hitting himself in the ear if there's something in his eye, he turned the FML around. not sure if it cleared it up or not.
If that didn't clear it up, he needs some serious help.
Ahh. Thank you. Early mornings are a bitch for me. I thought he punched himself in the ear. /Fail reading. Also, #23 maybe you want to either look at someone's profile or use their number before assigning someone the wrong gender.
25- hypocrisy at its finest..
28 don't feel bad, I thought the same thing you did.
28 don't feel bad, I thought the same thing you did.
You think you punched yourself in the face. Not true. The bug burrowed into your brain and hijacked your motor controls. You are now under the control of the bugs. The war has begun.
boy, that escalated quickly
That made my 7:00 depending on what I see tonight that might change but still that was a great comment...
bugs will all take over the earth and rule the humans EDIT: that was the bug typing and not me
This reminds me of that time in Spongebob where Plankton takes over Spongebobs brain.
This bug is the incarnation of that other bug you stood on last week. It has come back stronger, faster and far more powerful than before. Beware of Mind-control Bug.
"Work it, make it, do it, makes us Harder, better, faster, stronger" Sounds like the Kanye West of bugs! :P
^ the Daft Punk of bugs. ;)
I was first going to say Daft Punk but didn't want to get into the details of song sampling since they are unfortunately less known. But of course gotta give credit that's due.(: And come on, we're talking pest here. :P
Daft Punk is very well known.... Especially since they did the music for Tron.
Well that was ******* stupid.
well, you're a bright one
I'd pay to see that.
Were you buggin' out?

You sure taught that bug! Hit yourself again...make absolutely sure it knows who it's dealing with!
You think you punched yourself in the face. Not true. The bug burrowed into your brain and hijacked your motor controls. You are now under the control of the bugs. The war has begun.