Gross, dude!
By Anonymous - 27/05/2010 02:30 - United States
By Anonymous - 27/05/2010 02:30 - United States
By Anonymous - 16/07/2009 01:53 - United States
By justafriend - 28/05/2017 00:00
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States
By Med - 13/11/2012 12:02 - Netherlands - Groningen
By marz88 - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States
By Anonymous - 22/05/2020 20:00
By Inconnu - 18/06/2011 05:13 - France
By IhatebeingtheDD - 15/10/2010 14:08 - United States
By DesDri - 20/06/2009 07:37 - Canada
By Anonymous - 07/06/2019 20:00
That blows! FYL
that's when her alchohalic dad walks out and and says "Thats my girl!"
That sucks pen0r. fyl. You should've gotten a bag for her at one of the stops though.
I don't drink either. I hope you make your friend pay to professionally clean your car.
should have put her near the window op, that way it would go straight out onto the street and hopefully hit something, or someone lmao
Grody, fyl for having to be the designated driver! Haha jk good for you for being responsible!
Rom's right rookie always make the drunkie sit shotgun, that way it goes on your car instead of in in it.
I better see an fml tomorrow that goes a lil something like this my good friend picked me up from a party last night because i was drinking and once we were in front of my house because I can't hang or handle my alcohol I threw up inside her car Now I have to have the stink washed out of her car fml .....
yup it's what me and my friends do, whoever is the most wasted sits next to the window and pukes out of it if they start while driving lol but usually we all handle our drinks not our drinks handle us :P
Romskiis, I gotta say, you have one rockin' body lol :)
it is rose, n yea outta my friends he would be the biggest drinker, he drinks everything and anything with alcohol, as long as he doesn't drive. i'd say I'm the second cus I just drink to get a buzz and maintain it lol then drive so it works out :D
thx Jess and you forgot the e lol haha it's all gravy tho :)
Oh my bad Rawr! Wasn't trying to poach your meat lmao :) RomskiiEs- My bad dude, <-- That better?
hey I am not just a piece of meat lmao and just a wee bit lol fafp
Gee thanks Rawr :p Ill try to control myself from now on.
lmao but anyone can look at it during the summer cus I'll be a beach bum :D hmmm iono about that :P lol
Waah waaah waaaaaa
lol I did no such thing rose you are tra tra tripppen ;P lol fafp
grrr I won't take grape only cherry jolly ranchers :P fine I'll eat this bag of gummy bears bymyself ;P
>= not cool at all I'd still get them 3 sec rule :P
hmm not fair cus I'd loose I don't fight, fight back agaisnt females... =
that won't stop me unless they fall on dirt D:
:/ I want a gummy bear too... or a cupcake
YDI, never, NEVER be the designated driver in your own car
FYL, but atleast you're a good friend and know that they'll have to return the favor
love ur name btw lol. Blue sky noise is amazing!
damn girl ur sexy
I second 24 but man I did the same thing on my 21st. my friend thought it would be funny to do donuts on our way home from bar hopping. oh did he learn his lesson real fast
chunks!! gross
Sexy pic ^ :p
Ms_Jessie22, you spam a lot :P
44- Thanks for informing me of that :P
lol, more spam? WTF? jk :)
Yeppers! :)
ok, fellow Alaskan. I've had it with you! I declare a spam war (jk, I'd lose :O).
jgilez, hey, it's you again
every time you spam anti flood dies a little inside that's why I love it!
Thanks 59 101dan-guy - Youre from AK?
Yeah I'm from ak. To be more specific, Wasilla, Alaska. You can call me Dan. :>
#6, your hair rocks my world. Nuff said.
make a bitch clean her shit up in the morning!
that's just the risk you take when entering a situation like that ..
TurboTalon is exactly right. Years of experience - I've only had to do this once. That's when I learned - if you have the urge to puke, your body is telling you you NEED to puke. You've been poisoned. It's not too hard to accidentally drink too much. Especially when you're young - your body is developing, you're socially awkward, trying to fit in, there's drinking games, etc. All stupid reasons to poison yourself, but it happens all the time. When you get that urge to puke, you may puke, or you may not. If you don't, well, you could pass out and die of alcohol poisoning. Or not. But your liver still has to process all that crap, and I guarantee you, you will have a horrible hangover the next day. Every single time I've puked, I felt better, usually within the hour, I sober up faster, and the next day, I don't feel like I'd rather be dead. Like I said: I tested this on purpose only one time. I had a lot of tequila, like 12 shots, in about an hour. I forced myself to puke, and it worked. Not only did I feel better the next day, but I realized how stupid and pathetic it was to have to do that. Since then, I'm WAY more careful about over-drinking. I have not had a bad hangover since. No, I'm no fun at parties. Boo-hoo for you. At least I won't puke in your car.
YDI for not tying her to the roof.