Groucho Marx fan

By cody4prez - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff

Today, my dad told my mom to hurry up or they'd miss the start of their concert. She said, "I'm coming, I'm coming…" and without thinking, I blurted out, "That's what she said." They're super religious, and I'm now grounded till January. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 927
You deserved it 5 295

Top comments

Just be glad they didn't make you get down on your knees and beg for forgiveness. Wait. Just be glad they didn't get out the whip for you flagellate yourself with. Damnit! Just be glad they didn't dole out some religious punishment that doesn't also sound like it was torn from an S&M instruction book.

If that line is the worst thing you say or do. You will turn out fine in life.


Just be glad they didn't make you get down on your knees and beg for forgiveness. Wait. Just be glad they didn't get out the whip for you flagellate yourself with. Damnit! Just be glad they didn't dole out some religious punishment that doesn't also sound like it was torn from an S&M instruction book.

Dude, your comments never fail to expand my vocabulary.

I'm glad to propagate my sesquipedalian manner of speaking.

YDI for using a line that hasn't been funny in years except to middle schoolers.

Somebody call the Sense of Humor police, cuz I found a buzzkill.

TAntobella 14

I seriously doubt that was the reason why he was grounded, dear.

If that line is the worst thing you say or do. You will turn out fine in life.

So without second thought you just use that line?

How old are you exactly? Just haven't heard that line since high school(and even then I think most people found it annoying and I'm guessing that's about your age since you're grounded). I know some people were open with their parents and don't care I just feel that would have been super awkward in high school haha but definitely not enough to be grounded, sorry your parents are that religious you can't make jokes, good luck with the grounding OP!

For one comment you are grounded for the next three quarters of a year!? That isn't punishment that is unreasonable use of punishment and is isolating you from friends for an awfully long time. I would wonder if it is child abuse if they keep you in for that long, especially for something as tiny as making a dirty joke. It might be worth letting your school kinow so they are aware.

That is definitely child abuse! But deeply religious parents are sadly known for harsh reactions towards things they deem to be immoral.

Oh for Pete's sake, that's not child abuse. Talk to a few people who were actually abused as kids and you'll see how foolish your comment was. Harsh, yes, but grounding someone for several months isn't abuse unless they're withholding food or something like that. OP will live.

As someone who was abused as a child, that is in fact child abuse. It's an isolation exercise designed to make the child feel lonely and unloved for extended periods of time, most likely causing them to seek validation from their family by conforming to their belief system unwillingly.

He didn't say what he was grounded from. It could just be from electronics. Or sometching similar

I guess it also depends on whether the parents are the type to actually enforce their punishments. I've had friends who'd often get "grounded" for long periods of time, but in the end the parents didn't care about it within a week or two.

While the punishment was extreme for the crime, I have to say this is a bit of a YDI. That's a risqué thing to say even to non-religious parents.

Angelalalalala 9

That's why some religious people seriously piss me off. Punished until January for a simple statement like that? What the hell! That's absolutely ridiculous and the OPs mother seriously needs to get a life.

According to strict old testament law, a child who disrespects his/her parents must be put to death. (Lev. 20:9) so if you're only grounded, they're not all that religious.

No one in this century would even be stupid enough to follow THAT law anyway.

No, there are probably some incredibly moronic parents who probably would.

Lots of people are quoting and suggesting everyone should follow Leviticus 20:13 I just like to remind the world about all the other *fun* laws in the same chapter.

My mom hates it when I read Leviticus, but he's my favorite part of the bible. Because the religious people like to pretend his chapter isn't there except for one part of it.

snarkytruth 37

Look up honor killings. Happens all the time. It's happened several times in our own country (USA). as well usually by immigrants.