Gun nut

By missbrit - 04/02/2011 07:59 - United Kingdom

Today, my boyfriend got a new rifle. He forced me to watch him stripping it, oiling it, and sliding things into its barrel. We then watched 'Enemy at the Gates'. I basically endured 4 hours of gun porn. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 311
You deserved it 8 265

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

You're just jealous that it wasn't you getting stripped, oiled and having things slid into your "barrel."


perdix 29

You're just jealous that it wasn't you getting stripped, oiled and having things slid into your "barrel."

No need for the joke, it was already implied in the FML.

You obviously haven't been reading comments for very long. Perdix makes comments that are just as good or better as this one often.

xk75 4

yup now at least she has more than enough info to justify dumping the douche.

I don't know what you're so bothered about, Enemy At The Gates is a great movie in my opinion!

agree, and apparently there's a part 2 I haven't seen yet 

southerngalslove 15

I'm a girl and I like guns. I wouldn't want to watch a show about them, but I like them.

guns are sexy...I nearly dated a guy in the army and he used to talk about cleaning his gun to make me hot which wasn't fair because he lives a state and a half away lol

xGraycloud 4

I don't hate guns... but that's gotta suck.

You'll be glad he knows and has a gun if you were to have a home invasion so just be supportive. Movies are just 1 1/2 to 2 hrs out of your life.

Mokiikom_fml 8

#31 This! #57: Well, criminal prosecution and civil action are still better than living with the knowledge that your girlfriend was brutally raped and murdered in front of you and you had the chance to save her life but did nothing. So technically, even if they don't have self-defense-friendly laws in the UK, if it comes down to livign or dying I'd think it would be better for them to have the gun at home so they can maybe have a chance to come out alive if a crazed murdering rapist or someone like that breaks in.

have you ever heard the phrase "better to be judged by twelve than carried by six" ?

yanayo 0

YDI for dating someone from the tea party.

Mokiikom_fml 8

YDI to you, #34. For being a child who has no knowledge of the world and thinks everything is exactly the way your small mind imagines it. Hell, the OP is in the UK, the Tea Party or whatever doesn't even exists there.