Gun nut

By missbrit - 04/02/2011 07:59 - United Kingdom

Today, my boyfriend got a new rifle. He forced me to watch him stripping it, oiling it, and sliding things into its barrel. We then watched 'Enemy at the Gates'. I basically endured 4 hours of gun porn. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 311
You deserved it 8 265

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

You're just jealous that it wasn't you getting stripped, oiled and having things slid into your "barrel."


billyXcore 0

My husband does the same to me. ALL the time! I feel for you OP. I rly do!

What you described (before the movie) just sounds like he cleaned the gun he just bought, which is a good idea to do, so why's that bad?

kaceemae 7

"forced" you to sit there? why didn't you leave or go to anther room. it's not like he held you at gunpoint :p

You could have walked away any time. And 'Enemy At The Gates" is an awesome movie.

Mokiikom_fml 8

#5 YDI to you. What for? Well, for having a crappy life where you feel miserable because you hate everybody who is different from you. Rabid anti-gunners would like to force other people to be like them, but guess what? Each person is different, and you hating something doesn't makes it right for you to use disgusting language against another human being just because they're different from you. Do you also walk up to cops and spit at them because they carry guns? No? Why then do you hate civilians who go through the whole training and permits etc. to legally own a gun? And athletes in shooting sports? And just plain any people who like target practice? You'd whine so much if people attacked you for something you enjoy that's perfectly innocent, but you think it's justified for you to do the same to others. That's called hypocrisy, you know?

58, 5 is a troll. You are just feeding him and sounding like a whiny bish. Please shut up.

UmbraeCatervae 0

i do that to my fiance too but shes learned alot and enjoys rifles and weapons now lol but im not Army. SemperFi

get over it bitch. guns are awesome and if ur a femi-nazi, hillary supported just go die somewhere

I also don't see the problem with cleaning a gun. I don't know much about guns, but I think that maintaining your gun like that helps prevent problems with it in the future. Like missfires or whatever they're called.