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By Anonymous - 26/01/2024 23:00 - United Kingdom

Today, my brother-in-law wanted a boxing match, which was the last thing I wanted since he’s a trained boxer. The last thing I expected was to knock him out cold on my first swing. My wife is now mad at me because he’s sulking, and I “could have held back to be a good sport.” Um, what? FML
I agree, your life sucks 646
You deserved it 85

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Good job cracking that glass jaw, OP. Screw what she thinks. Your wife will get over it.


Good job cracking that glass jaw, OP. Screw what she thinks. Your wife will get over it.

That's what happens when you think you're a trained boxer, but in reality are only trained in Bullshido-jutsu.

WTF, what kind of person goes for a knockout in a friendly sparing match?