By get a grip, son - 30/05/2014 20:37 - United States - Pooler

Today, my 15-year-old son got so enraged at a fly that kept harassing him, that he ended up slapping himself in the face as it flew by him. This caused him to fall out of his chair, at which point he broke down into a mess of tears, humiliating me in front of everyone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 178
You deserved it 10 884

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ImSteve 8

Fail. Everyone makes mistakes though.


ImSteve 8

Fail. Everyone makes mistakes though.

I feel bad for him. I guess he had enough, and all it took was a fly to send him over the edge. I have those days sometimes too.

Volcan_fml 22

How do you think your son felt, OP? It's not really about you. FHL.

Precisely, I think there must of been more than a fly upsetting him. When I get like that little things send me over the edge

exactly. i think the parent is taking it a lil far.

ArianaLuvU 14

Does everybody know what you're talking about?! Does everybody get that way?!?!

larrena2377 26

#58, he is a 15 y/o boy. hormones are crazy! I'd count on that

With his only thought is how humiliated he is, I can't imagine he generally cares much for his son's wellbeing. With a father like that, maybe the poor lad has some things going on he can't tell his father.

jojimugo 20

Not every boy falls out of their chair trying to kill a fly...

So your son embarrassed you? Your son that just fell out of a chair.. smh

Redoxx_fml 22

It's not so much that the son embarrassed me as the fly made me proud.

I see nothing wrong at being mad at a fly

Is that everyone's excuse? "ohhh, my bad, I was half asleep...." lol I have seen that said so many times. :-P

91hayek 31

haha I have bad typing when I am half asleep too. I wanted to text this girl I like "good night and good luck with the interview tomorrow" but instead I typed "your pjs are cute go to bed yummy princess and if they don't hire you tomorrow I'll stab them in their corneas" lol stupid autocorrect and sleepiness; now she has a restraining order against me lol.

Redoxx_fml 22

Flies can easily outwit anyone! It's weird.

Just when you're ready to swat them they don't fly out of their hiding place >:|

"Everybody makes mistakes everybody has those days"

Everybody knows what I'm talking about, yeah everybody feels that way.....

Instead of feeling humiliated, you should get a gun an shoot down that fly.

brettrb 18

Laugh, point, and walk away like you don't know him. You must not allow yourself to be associated with that disgrace of a boy.

Danielson, you must concentrate! You swat fly, fly no swat you!