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By Adopted - 14/06/2016 21:22

Today, my mom realized that the "door" part in "screen door" doesn't block sound when she began to talk to our neighbours about how much of a failure I am. I heard everything. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 541
You deserved it 1 208

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's when you say, "In my defense, I was spawned by somebody who can't quite grasp the subtle complexities of a screen door" before shutting the actual door.

kesaiz 1

ignore it & get away as soon as you can afford it. When our son was 2 my ex husband told me our son WOULD play professional football & support HIM in luxury later in life. FTS. I told my son to do what he wanted. Football, ballet, politics , etc. Yep his dad disowned him for going career military. 8 years in & going strong! Sometimes you must walk away from a parent.


That's sucks OP but all parents can be super critical and just know you're better than that and keep your head up.

kesaiz 1

ignore it & get away as soon as you can afford it. When our son was 2 my ex husband told me our son WOULD play professional football & support HIM in luxury later in life. FTS. I told my son to do what he wanted. Football, ballet, politics , etc. Yep his dad disowned him for going career military. 8 years in & going strong! Sometimes you must walk away from a parent.

Not sure how people like you end up making children with people like that.

That's when you say, "In my defense, I was spawned by somebody who can't quite grasp the subtle complexities of a screen door" before shutting the actual door.

Yeah that would be a good comeback unless the mom did it on purpose so OP would overhear it.

Judging by OP's name, that might not be a great comeback at all

Good point. I saw the name and assumed they'd typed it out of spite, but that might be incorrect.

Well you could change the word spawned to raised and it still makes a good comeback even if adopted.

Tell her where to stick it,And then go on with your life .

Parents can be assholes. Sometimes you just have to pick yourself up, dust yourself off, give 'em the finger and prove them wrong.

Sounds like you should start screening her out of your life.

jcash52426 5

Please excuse my language but you mom is a total BITCH!!!

The app literally means "**** my life", I don't think people will care about the word bitch too much here.

jcash52426 5

Ok . The posters mom is a bitch

A similar thing happened to me a few years back when I was unsure of my path. I was told I wouldn't 'do much'. Now I'm working towards acting, I get it even more, except through sighs and comments such as 'well you can work inbetween!'. Use this as motivation to prove her wrong and go do what makes you happy! She will eat her words!