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Hard disagree

By Anonymous - 20/05/2023 03:00

Today, I told my therapist that I read FML for relaxation and entertainment. She asked what FML is, then told me stop reading this website, as my life is bad enough, knowing other's experiences would actually increase my level of anxiety. FML
I agree, your life sucks 688
You deserved it 201

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And here you are, having a published FML.

That would be an interesting study. Facebook and Instagram have been proven to decrease users happiness because people compare their lives to the best parts of other peoples lives and it makes them feel worse about themselves. Here I think the only real bad take away you could have is gaining the perception that the shit that happens here is normal.


And here you are, having a published FML.

That would be an interesting study. Facebook and Instagram have been proven to decrease users happiness because people compare their lives to the best parts of other peoples lives and it makes them feel worse about themselves. Here I think the only real bad take away you could have is gaining the perception that the shit that happens here is normal.

That's bullshit. Instead of therapy, I just come to FML every day and my mental health is spectacular!

Lolamae 9

No matter how bad things get, there is always someone else who has it worse. And here they are, on FML, telling you to be grateful it was only embarrassing and not fatal.

Meh, how would she know? If it genuinely relaxes you, keep at it. A response to her could be that it makes you less anxious seeing problems other people have, because you could have it worse.

reetuuw 3

tell her you read whisper or jodel instead