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Man's best friend

By just being honest - 19/05/2023 21:00 - United States

Today, my girlfriend is refusing to do anything around the house for me, including cooking, cleaning, laundry, or having sex. When I saw her cooking, I asked if any was for me. She instead replied, “Have the dog do it for you.” All this after I told her honestly that yes, my dog does mean more to me than she does. FML
I agree, your life sucks 301
You deserved it 2 837

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You know, I was with you until that last line. YDI, for sure.

whatshername?! 39

The question is, what do you do for her? Maybe she's just fed up with all the chores and noone to help. Maybe she is crazy. Too little information about this to judge.


whatshername?! 39

The question is, what do you do for her? Maybe she's just fed up with all the chores and noone to help. Maybe she is crazy. Too little information about this to judge.

You know, I was with you until that last line. YDI, for sure.

YDI of course your dog means more, but you don't tell HER that! hahahahah

Honesty is so overrated. Dogs are the best! You just don't say that out loud to the humans around you. "Telling people what they want to hear" is the best policy. This cliché was in need of a reboot.

tbh it depends on the dog and the gf. If you've had the dog for 20 years and the girl for 1 even though it probably hurts she's being ridiculous. although this does sound like a case where lying helps everyone...

Yeah... you more than deserve it. And do you pull your weight around the house? It sounds like you expect/rely on her to do everything. Cooking, cleaning, laundry... what do YOU do? Are you the one making the money? Or do you both work? Regardless, that was a very mean thing to say. Dogs are important, yes, but sheesh, how did you expect her to react with a confession like that?

Amazing that she is still there, I know I wouldn't have been, She is the one who should post the FML

Don't **** the dog just because your girlfriend is tired of your misogyny. It's illegal. Also, how much of that shit do you do for her? I'm guessing none, since the dog matters more.

misogyny because he likes the dog? Sometimes you people take things too far.

Tisinlovewithme 2

she should leave you. enjoy the dog.