Hard pass

By Gioia - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - Bulgaria - Vidin

Today, I was so nervous about a first date that while trying to break a silence in the beginning, I asked, "So, you afraid of any insects?" No wonder I didn't get a second date. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 063
You deserved it 11 950

Top comments

perdix 29

The irony is that he had a phobia of social butterflies.

I don't see anything wrong in that question, maybe bit weird but.. yeah.


I don't know OP, you seem really interesting, if your idea of breaking the silence involves questions like that! I think he's missing out.

Pstraka6 20

Breaking that awkward moment is hard! Give yourself some credit, they obviously did not think of anything to say which is much worse. I'm sure that's not the reason why, maybe they simply though you two did not click. Pick your feet up because now you know how to break the ice!

perdix 29

You need to learn the standard date questions: Which Law of Thermodynamics is your favorite? Which biblical plague do you think is the most fun? (Correct answer: boils) If you could kill one person and get away with it, who would it be? Once you get the typical chit-chat small talk out of the way, hopefully your nerves will have settled and you'll be able to take on serious matters.

For me it's: - If two systems are both in thermal equilibrium with a third system then they are in thermal equilibrium with each other. Good for saying you're up for a three-way. - Water to Blood. What? Everyone has fetishes. - Inthenameof. I always wondered who that guy was from that Rage Against the Machine song.

perdix 29

#20, nice! The Zeroth Law -- not the coolest, but the one with the coolest name. The coolest one is the Third because it says so! Ya gotta go with boils if you want to score with the hot ladies. You say blood and all you'll end up with is Twilight fanatics. You want that?

Yes. Desperately easy is the way to go.

Louis1992 9

The 1st date is always the hardest in my opinion. But u should of just asked her to tell u more about herself and keep going from there.

perdix 29

#17, I respectfully disagree. I think it's the last one that's the hardest. Sometimes, they are the same date, though.

Kuhu1993 21

Aaaah.. That could happen to the best of us. Not a problem OP! Learn and move on

Today, I went on a date with a guy it was awkward then I farted. We were in a quiet area. FML

RedPillSucks 31

That's the first thing I thought too. Disturbed minds think alike???

ordonblade46 3

As long as he was having fun, it's alright