Hard pass

By Gioia - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - Bulgaria - Vidin

Today, I was so nervous about a first date that while trying to break a silence in the beginning, I asked, "So, you afraid of any insects?" No wonder I didn't get a second date. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 063
You deserved it 11 950

Top comments

perdix 29

The irony is that he had a phobia of social butterflies.

I don't see anything wrong in that question, maybe bit weird but.. yeah.


kiswani_anas 4

Dude I would totally so no! But because you asked that I would go on a 2nd date with you

Epikouros 31

"So what's your job?""I'm a claims adjuster.""Oh, interesting, what do you do exactly?""I adjust claims.""Oh, OK." (I was answering #59)

Epikouros 31

Sorry, I was answering #59. And I have no idea what claims adjusters actually do.

I doubt that question was why, it was probably all of the other horribly awkward weirdness that went on for the remainder of the date that kept you from getting a second one.

Try asking what the person does for a living???!!!

tehdarkness 21

That's not too bad. Don't beat yourself up over it.

1crabbygirl 10

Someday your soulmate will have an answer to that question

If a girl asks me that, I would definitely date the hell out of her

Once I got the serial killer images to stop flashing past my eyes I realized if you changed this to "So do you like bugs?" and then bam its a cute joke since I have yet to meet a girl that likes bugs....and hey if you get a yes you found what sounds to be a perfect match!

I am so afraid of bugs especially flying ones

My friend said "how bout them bears?" To a girl. (Referring to the Chicago bears)

Are you sure he didn't think you said, "So, you afraid of anal sex"?