Hard pass

By Gioia - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - Bulgaria - Vidin

Today, I was so nervous about a first date that while trying to break a silence in the beginning, I asked, "So, you afraid of any insects?" No wonder I didn't get a second date. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 063
You deserved it 11 950

Top comments

perdix 29

The irony is that he had a phobia of social butterflies.

I don't see anything wrong in that question, maybe bit weird but.. yeah.


perdix 29

If he answered, "Yes, chickens," you should have terminated the date instantly.

SystemofaBlink41 27

I know right? Chickens are like the least scariest insects, in my opinion...

SystemofaBlink41 27
Authoress14 15

it takes two ppl to be akward, and two people to not make it work. it was probable more their fault it was akward. don't beat urself up.

olpally 32

Nerves get the best of us! Keep trying op! It's a legit question though. Lol.

The Japanese Hornet. That's what I would have said. The Japanese Hornet.

That's actually a great date topic. Why ask the typical boring questions you get on every date? "I'm afraid of dragonflies because I was once told they bite!"

That's what you get for trying to show her your inch worm.

Sillydeadperson 17

I don't think that's a very bad question to ask, honestly. It might spring up a long conversation about animals! Why anyone would refuse a second date for one question or nervousness alone is beyond me.