Heat of the moment

By English_Nut117 - 30/10/2013 19:17 - Canada - Georgetown

Today, my boyfriend came onto me in a romantic gesture. We ended up having sex, forgetting that the window repair guy was supposed to come today and do some work on our third floor apartment windows. I still don't know how much he saw. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 681
You deserved it 15 213

Same thing different taste

Top comments

When passion hits and comes, you forget everything. It's ok though, don't worry about it too much :)

Makes you wonder what else the humble window washer sees in their career


bubblemint00 6

did he say "thanks for the tip"?

graceinsheepwear 33

No, but the boyfriend said "The tip? That was the whole thing!"

well you were the one having sex while he was doing the window job. I'm sure you were having more fun than he was.

I'll look for the video online and let you know how much he saw ;)

on the bright side, you have a romantic boyfriend?

At least u guys have romance (: u guys will forget about it and so will he or u will look back on it and laugh (:

"Forgot" huh? U know you enjoyed him watching you freaky little girl

Who cares to be honest. It's not like you know him and he is going to tell all your family.