By RhuLynette - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom

Today, I managed to get locked inside a caravan toilet. My relatives heard me having a panic attack and instead of unlocking the door, they called the neighbours over to enjoy my anguish and embarrassment. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 380
You deserved it 3 127

Top comments

"hey guys come quick!!! my niece is having a panic attack in my bathroom!!" wtf


Um, let me see.. It's a toilet and it's in a caravan...

Burnbaby 0

A mobile home toilet. In the UK they call them caravans.

And in Australia! Lol just had to point that out for some unfathomable reason... Meh

good41thing198 7

Ever notice the Brits and Aussies have stupid names for simple stuff?

yeah totally, and have you noticed how you're a ******* moron who speaks the least commonly used version of English in the world, ie American English? maybe you should, you ignorant fuckstick

Your neighbors at least found it hilarious, right? We wouldn't want you suffering like that if nobody found it amusing.

VasilisaUzhasnaj 29

What kind of f*cked up relatives you have!?

EnEl_Infierno 15

Probably the same kind I have, the kind that if you tripped and fell, rather than help you up they would just laugh and point.

That was trailer trashy of them to do.

CMichael 0

I'm assuming a caravan toilet is the same thing as a Port-A-Potty.

Did you at least start planning your revenge while you were in there?

SinfulTragedy 19

A caravan? This makes me think of My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding :O