By RhuLynette - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom

Today, I managed to get locked inside a caravan toilet. My relatives heard me having a panic attack and instead of unlocking the door, they called the neighbours over to enjoy my anguish and embarrassment. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 380
You deserved it 3 127

Top comments

"hey guys come quick!!! my niece is having a panic attack in my bathroom!!" wtf


hamncheeseinit 6

Push them off a bridge... Problem solved

Dont worry op, most of us agree that your family are assholes, we side with you ;)

Sorry to say, but your family is f'd up!!

there is a lot to be said for remaining calm...

queenb1621 21

Wow u must be relate to me... That sounds like something my family would do...

can't believe you admitted that. thanks for the laugh though ;)

Did they record it ? Are you on Youtube ?