By RhuLynette - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom

Today, I managed to get locked inside a caravan toilet. My relatives heard me having a panic attack and instead of unlocking the door, they called the neighbours over to enjoy my anguish and embarrassment. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 380
You deserved it 3 127

Top comments

"hey guys come quick!!! my niece is having a panic attack in my bathroom!!" wtf


Glitterhinoceros 14

Make them each pay 10$ for the show

boredblonde 17

When you got out, you locked them all in there right?

The reaction of your family is not human. At all. So sorry.

jadee000 0
blacksswan 10

This boils my blood. I can't stand small tight spaces and panic quickly. I feel you OP, and glad you are ok.

Why is it when someone is suffering, someone else finds it hilarious? Seriously NOT FUNNY stupid people shouldnt have families

good41thing198 7

Wish someone had told your Mom and Dad that...

You should throw stink bombs in every single persons room that took part while they sleep n lock them in and laugh!

Break down the door, and if they bitch at you about the damage, just say, "Well, if you'd had come and got me out, instead of standing around laughing at me like a ******* psychopath, I wouldn't have had to do that. Next time give people a hand instead of laughing at them, sicko."

Leave a big brown baby ruth in their toilet without flushing. That will teach them