Help out!

By Anonymous - 08/06/2024 08:00 - United Kingdom

Today, as I’ve been doing our family tree, it's become clear to me that every man who has married into my wife’s family for at least 4 generations has died within 15 years of the wedding. It’s our 13th anniversary next month. Two years to go. Someone help me by keeping their fingers crossed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 495
You deserved it 66

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bagoflays 1

I feel like this could be a good movie premise though

My suggestion would be to write this out and sign and date it, and mail it to a member of your family. Ask them to hold it safe. … It could be coincidence but be careful of things that don’t taste normal - especially too sweet. There are a variety of common potential poisons that taste especially sweet (such as ant poison and antifreeze). Unusual bitter is easy to spot, but sometimes people miss a sweet poison. (My ex at one time worked with a person later discovered to be a serial killer (Michael Swango) and he may have put ant poison in a coworker’s Pepsi.) … There are such things as coincidences and sometimes patterns with predictable results -Like a younger person marrying an older person. I wouldn’t throw out the relationship based solely on what might be a coincidence, but I would be careful if I were you.


bagoflays 1

I feel like this could be a good movie premise though

Vesi 29

I wonder if their name is Owens... =D

My suggestion would be to write this out and sign and date it, and mail it to a member of your family. Ask them to hold it safe. … It could be coincidence but be careful of things that don’t taste normal - especially too sweet. There are a variety of common potential poisons that taste especially sweet (such as ant poison and antifreeze). Unusual bitter is easy to spot, but sometimes people miss a sweet poison. (My ex at one time worked with a person later discovered to be a serial killer (Michael Swango) and he may have put ant poison in a coworker’s Pepsi.) … There are such things as coincidences and sometimes patterns with predictable results -Like a younger person marrying an older person. I wouldn’t throw out the relationship based solely on what might be a coincidence, but I would be careful if I were you.

Wadlaen 23

You could be the one to break the chain!

Does your wife make you think of Sharon Stone in 'Basic Instinct'? If so, run. Now.