Help yourselves

By Anonymous - 16/10/2010 21:54 - United States

Today, my car door and window were broken when a thief broke into my car. Cost to repair the damage? $600. Increase to my car insurance premiums? $40 a month. What'd they steal from my car? A $0.98 chocolate chip cookie. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 460
You deserved it 3 490

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tacobird123 7



perdix 29

Why would you leave such delectable bait in plain view? Some chocolate chip cookies are "to die for," so even a mediocre one could be "to smash and grab for." See all the fat people out there? They didn't get that way by always being reasonable around food.

drawing_a_blank 0

I bet it was one of those Mrs. Field's cookies. 

It's still like, in the high 70s/low 80s during the day in Florida. Joke's on them - they got a melty cookie.

This used to happen to me all the time when I owned a convertible. People would cut the roof, right next to a previous cut, rummage through the car and not even take anything (including a $5 note I had for emergency toll money). It was $1000 to re-skin the roof, so I didn't bother and just patched it. I'm not a supporter of an-eye-for-an-eye, but car thieves should have their frickin' hands cut off. Assholes.

1121osu2110 0

why do u have only one cookie in ur car? and why is it out in the open to where other people could see it. you would think that there would be more than one cookie and it would have better wrapping than what it had for someone to break into your car to steal your only cookie... YDI

tacobird123 7

if you give a mouse a cookie....

he'll want a glass of milk to go with it. and if you don't. he'll break into your car and take it.

justind2020 0

thats ur fault u shuld of ate it

Bieberqueeber 0
xXpeachesXx 0

I live in Ohio so just know I am NOT ragging on the US, but is anyone else surprised that with the climbing obesity levels here that someone is willing to break into a car for a cookie? I'm not. Fat people get desperate. lol

RedPillSucks 31

I don't think they broke into the car for the cookie. I think they broke into the car and couldn't find anything to steal, so they took the cookie.

ban all sales of cookies cause no one has self control! soon car insurance will raise country wide if you drive with a cookie! I'd hate to hear what you say about chronic masturbation! sand paper mittens?

xXpeachesXx 0

nope, but would you get all hot a sweaty putting effort into breaking into a car for a cookie? lol

drawing_a_blank 0

Are you speaking from experience?

82, yes, yes I would. Except I have a concience so I'd hate to do that to someone... I don't know how I'd survive if someone stole my cookie.

xXpeachesXx 0

does it look like I am? (no.)

SaintE_fml 0

that cookie was awesome **** The World