Help yourselves

By Anonymous - 16/10/2010 21:54 - United States

Today, my car door and window were broken when a thief broke into my car. Cost to repair the damage? $600. Increase to my car insurance premiums? $40 a month. What'd they steal from my car? A $0.98 chocolate chip cookie. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 460
You deserved it 3 490

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tacobird123 7



You're better off paying the 600 for the damage than to take the hit on your insurance premiums

YDI, you should have hid it in your glove box.

amazinemo578 4

r u shour it's a man not a kid?

TookiMyCooki 0

wow. they must have really wanted it.

I'm so sorry. I hope you feel better... :( Nobody really deserves bad things to happen to them. :)

CoachLlama 5

I bet they eat the evidence. 5-0 is going to have a tough time with this case.

xBIG_Dx 0

whoever robbed you was prolly faded af

BE GRATEFUL THEY DIDN'T STEAL ANYTHING ELSE FROM YOUR CAR, or even totally strip it! Jeeze, cars being broken into could get a lot worse than this!