Here I go again

By Anonymous - 03/01/2013 05:02 - United States - Austin

Today, after I finally laid down from a long day and was about to fall asleep, I realized I forgot to set my alarm. I don't own an alarm clock and my alarm is on my phone. Which was in my car. I live on the 15th floor of an apartment building and our parking garage is across the street. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 044
You deserved it 10 125

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's why you bring your phone wherever you go. Lesson learned.

~I agree entirely! My dam clock tells me if my dam has overflowed or if there is not enough water inside it.~


I hate it when that happens! Just when you finally settle down, all nice and cozy... and BAM! You remember something that just HAS to be done...

U_GotitDude 18

You must go get your phone, think about what could happen to your car if someone sees your phone inside. FYL OP

Im sorry, but this just doesn't sound like a really big deal to me. Just get up and get it. And besides, after going all tht way to get your phone you're going to be even more tired. And accept what life throws at you, I mean this is a really small situation. Get over it man!

At least you remembered BEFORE you fell asleep! With my luck, I'd have remembered only after I woke up late for work!

It would have stayed in the car! Would have taken my chances of waking up on time!

There are websites which will make your computer into an alarm clock, or you can just download an app.

So download an app onto the phone in the car? Defeats the purpose hehe but downloading program on the comp would work :)

23 - You can get apps for computers to, for that matter some TVs even have apps now.

At least you remembered! Better than completely forgetting.

Op, did you remember to reset your car alarm and lock your door? Oh snap...

Really? You don't have a backup alarm? How have you managed to go this long without one? My guess is you haven't. Buy an alarm clock! YDI!!!

chlorinegreen 27

She usually has her phone with her. I don't have an alarm clock but the again my car isn't 15 stories below across the street.