Here I go again

By Anonymous - 03/01/2013 05:02 - United States - Austin

Today, after I finally laid down from a long day and was about to fall asleep, I realized I forgot to set my alarm. I don't own an alarm clock and my alarm is on my phone. Which was in my car. I live on the 15th floor of an apartment building and our parking garage is across the street. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 044
You deserved it 10 125

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's why you bring your phone wherever you go. Lesson learned.

~I agree entirely! My dam clock tells me if my dam has overflowed or if there is not enough water inside it.~


tildoorf84 7

things like must happen to you often, its a side affect of being stupid

SrDerick 5

*Things, *like this, *it's, *side-effect *.

sekacity 1

Well I use an online alarm clock on my computer every time . Just google it, problem solved .

ideasrule 13

You clearly have a computer. Ever thought of using that as an alarm clock?

Was it also raining heavily or snowing with thunder as well? The street flooded? Or sewage pipes burst? Yeah yeah?

Maybe you could swing $5 or so for a cheap alarm clock, then that wouldn't be a problem anymore.

robox1187 9

But you were able to at least post it on here :)

Yeah, because there's no way at all OP could've posted this AFTER getting their phone from the car. No way at all. SMDH!

thekrammer 5

Set a timer on what ever computer that you used to post this

To make a day worse..."then i found that the power was out and had been forced to take the stairs" Game Over.

tj5810 21

At least the elevator wasn't broken.