Hey guys!

By iannie - 31/07/2011 21:45 - United States

Today, I went to the beach. While I was swimming, I noticed a few really hot guys passing. Trying to be sexy, I slowly got out of the water, showing off my body. I showed a bit more than I expected when I realized my bikini bottom had fallen off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 391
You deserved it 39 505

Same thing different taste

Top comments

shybear15 0

And you couldn't feel it slip off??? 0_o


sucks for you op next time get a tighter bathing suit

Failing when trying to look sexy is so sexy. It means you are hot but approachable and not so full of yourself that you didn't think you needed to try.

So sad you cant upload pics onto FML

I would have LOVE to see that, and btw, I'm a guy and I would prefer your bottoms falling off lol

whitneyphan1520 0