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By misopower - 25/07/2009 18:50 - China

Today, after 9 months in our relationship, my boyfriend and I lost our virginity to each other. We had incredible, mind-blowing sex. An hour later, he broke up with me because apparently "my orgasm face is ugly." FML
I agree, your life sucks 78 236
You deserved it 9 317

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Nobody loses their virginity with "incredible, mind-blowing sex". Nobody.

just tell him that it is ok and you'd prefer a bigger penis anyways


popcorncomics 0
_cheeseballs 0

Some people take their time with sex. They don't rush into bed on the night.

Fake... there is no such thing as mind blowing sex for the first time. Even if the dude was as small as piece of celery.

Agreed. I don't think anyone would call first-time sex "mind blowing." If they legitimately would, they deserve any let downs there-after.

same. who has mind blowing sex the first time. its your first; how do u really know what mind blowing is

maybe because it felt that way to them?

askmattnow 0

no one has "MIND BLOWING" sex on there first time

Oh please. "Mind blowing" is relative. If it is a couple's first time, and if they both had orgasms, then for them it was mind blowing. Was for me and my wife the first time. And God have mercy... we have frequently enjoyed "mind blowing" * 5, wild, uninhibited, freestyle, chandelier, monkey sex. Never thought it would be better than the first time though. And, btw, it was hysterically funny... for some reason. In fact, after writing this, I think I'll go see if my sweetie is awake...

Emberlin 0

@ 5, 64, 86, and 115: When I lost it, it was the best sex I'd have for a couple of years to come. That being said, my guy was reeaallly experienced and I didn't have a full on ****** but it was still amazing sex. Sorry if yall didn't enjoy your first times but just cuz yall weren't naturals like some people, doesn't mean you have to bring everybody else down

My first time sucked. Not because the sex was bad..but because I ended up in the hospital. Turns out i'm allergic to latex. Being found by your girl's father while she screams and you're passed out with a condom on, dick hard, is the worst ever. Good times...Good times..

Ah, exchanging of V-cards is so inconvienient. Neither of you are experienced and it gets broing :P Not that i know.. xD

auzzie_chik15 0

oh damn, that should be a FML

Ooooh, unlucky :( must have been really embarrassing.

Yes, people that care for their relationship take time with sex. But he just broke up with her for an ugly ****** face. WHAT THE ****?

LOL He fails as do you for not working it out already.

this is why i think sex before marriage is wrong, becuz once u loose it (ur virginity), ull never get it back. he just used that as an excuse, he dumped cuz ur too easy. but now days, most girls are too easy.

OMG 9 months??? Im 14 and i met this girl at the mall yesterday and in the same day i got some alot of some :)

kitterkateee 0

I agree. I'm 15 and I've been dating this guy for a LONG time, and we decided together not to have sex, before marriage, if we get married.

efmlpt22 0
LadyAshley 0

To #101: Where the **** did you hear that real girls don't have orgasms? Girls CAN have orgasms, but most women can't. I can have an ******, I have been able to have one for a long time.

A very small percentage of girls have orgasms solely through vaginal intercourse. maybe 17%. But girls do have orgasms. Are you retarded? Some are pre-orgasmic, meaning that they haven't had an ****** yet. And of course, some girls can never ******. Key word though "some".

aubrey1 0

I didn't really read it. too long.

SlaveToRetail 10

#181 LifeStyles "Skyn" condoms are a blessing for us allergic to latex, m'dear.

@161, you're dumb af. I don't think there's such a thing as being a 'natural' at sex, because different people like different things. Besides that, you even said yourself that your guy was experienced, so that would have made it more enjoyable for you. If someone, like OP, lost their virginity at the same time as their boyfriend, it may not have been as enjoyable because of a lack of experience.

debbtennis 0

YDI for not holding a mirror to look at yourself while having an ******.

ahaha, that's the best stupid ydi I've read.

redshortsx 0

there is NO way you orgasmed your first time

You probably overacted on the fake ******!

Nobody loses their virginity with "incredible, mind-blowing sex". Nobody.

that still doesnt mean its mind blowing?

Well, yes, the first time is the best sex they've ever had, and to them it IS mindblowing, until they try it with someone else more experience, and then the standards are raised.

I didn't think my first time was mind-blowing at all. I was just, like, "This is it?". And, no, he wasn't a virgin. He claimed to have slept with 15 girls before me.

Mind blowingly painful maybe?? mind blowingly awkward.... aren't those better ways to describe a girl's first time?? But hey, if it really was mind blowingly good, then at least it wasn't horrible and then have him leave you cuz you bled or something. Point is, he's an asshole and probably watched too much **** and watched fake O-faces before he saw a real one.

Definitely made him get tested before he got to touch me :p

really? hmmm, because when I lost my virginity to my boyfriend it certainly wasn't mind-blowing. It was more like my ****** was being ripped apart from the inside. I don't know, maybe that's just me. Also, he probably left her because he wanted to have sex with other women.

just tell him that it is ok and you'd prefer a bigger penis anyways

live_my_life245 0
chocoLIFE_fml 2

i agree, that will make him sad :D

coolsunshinebear 14

Big penis does not equal better sex. Why be rude when he just did her the best favor by getting his shallow ass out of her life. I wouldn't want to be with someone like that for more than one date let alone 9 months. Now she knows what kind of person he is... he needs to stop being a child... and be mature.

Tell him that's what your face looks like when you're faking it.

you don't deserve a jerk like that you wasted 9 months of your life :) and you're probaly really bad at faking or you just have an ugly face? idk.

Your boyfriend is a dumbass. I'll have mind-blowing sex with you.