Hey guys!

By iannie - 31/07/2011 21:45 - United States

Today, I went to the beach. While I was swimming, I noticed a few really hot guys passing. Trying to be sexy, I slowly got out of the water, showing off my body. I showed a bit more than I expected when I realized my bikini bottom had fallen off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 391
You deserved it 39 505

Same thing different taste

Top comments

shybear15 0

And you couldn't feel it slip off??? 0_o


jealouswaugh2424 0
Playful1985 9

Will people quit "trying" to look/be sexy! It's just desperate and creates stories like this. Being yourself is sexy.

skatinghetto 0

haha i was one of those guys and it was a nice sight

Mightybob50 0
JessicaSavvyR 0