Hi there!

By anon - 26/07/2010 00:07 - Canada

Today, I was showing a house to a couple who were interested in buying. At least they "were" interested until they opened the blinds, looked out of the bedroom window and saw the neighbor on the toilet taking a dump. He was naked. He was hairy. He smiled and waved. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 838
You deserved it 3 533

Same thing different taste

Top comments

BubblyTay 0

"Smile and wave boys, smile and wave."


FlonkertonChamp 6

but that could be part of their daily routine, like on "friends".... "oh look, ugly naked guy is [fill-in-the-blank]!"

DeeBee629 0

lol that's why good fences make good neighbors

Erh96 0

that's gross and funny as hell at the same time.

hahahaha. thats funny right there. I don't care who ya are.

I want to know what went through his mind when he did that :o

hotlilmomma 0

how do u private message lol hope u feel better

tehe. this made me smile. i would have waved back =)