Hogs gone wild

By NotoriousSRJ - 28/01/2011 15:43 - Canada

Today, I got pulled over by a cop. Since my window wasn't working, I opened the door, causing him to run towards me with a drawn gun. He then had a go at me with his night stick. After realizing my window was broken, he laughed and let me off with a warning. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 295
You deserved it 4 339

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Where I'm from, you would have been tasered, shot, body cavity searched, beaten, shot, fined for the broken window, laughed at, shot, and arrested for resisting arrest.

see the problem with gun control Is that bad people don't really obey the rules so then u have a whole bunch of armed criminals running around and decent people have no way to defend themselves


Well, then I guess where you come from, one criminal with a gun would have a field day.

Well my first respectful comment got moderated so maybe I'll go the disrespectful route. This did not happen it's clearly a blatant lie by someone who just wanted to have his fabrication featured on FML. Were this legitimate he would have contacted the authorities and this would be a national news story. In Canada if a cop draws his gun then proceeds to beat a guy without provocation that becomes a national news story. Here is what would have happened because a cop will not draw their firearm in this country unless absolutely necessary. This is what would have happened: (dumbass lying high school kid gets out of car) Police Officer: Please get back in your car. (dumbass complies after saying my window is broken. If dumbass does not comply then perhaps measures are taken.)

And yes national news is so boring in this country that something this insignificant would be featured on the news.

talktomandybaby 8

haha:D you made my whole life.and my whole day.thank youuuu.love you;* <3

_Vamp_ 9

No. They're a stupid ass person for opening the door. If I were a cop and pulled someone over, I would expect them to stay in their car. Otherwise, I would consider that person an immediate threat. Although the person had no cruel intentions, there was no way for that cop to know that. It's protocol. The cop was just doing his job. It's people like you who say things like "**** the cops", but in a time of need you beg for them to protect you. Please, take your ignorance somewhere else.

HighasaCloud 46

"Whoever appeals to the law against his fellow man is either a fool or a coward. Whoever cannot take care of himself without that law is both." -Omerta, Lamb of God. **** the Police forever and always. Learn to take care of yourself. If you incapable, you deserve whatever misfortune happens to you.

_Vamp_ 9

No. They're a stupid ass person for opening the door. If I were a cop and pulled someone over, I would expect them to stay in their car. Otherwise, I would consider that person an immediate threat. Although the person had no cruel intentions, there was no way for that cop to know that. It's protocol. The cop was just doing his job. It's people like you who say things like "**** the cops", but in a time of need you beg for them to protect you. Please, take your ignorance somewhere else.

to you idiots who think gun control would help. it was a cop who had the gun not OP. if OP had been "bad guy" with a gun, cop may have been DEAD. anybody in ANY country could be beaten with the night stick. if you Outlaw guns, only Outlaws will have guns! guns cause crime, the same way garbage causes flys, erasers make mistakes, & forks make people fat'

The right to bear arms in the United States is not only to protect oneself, others and property, but to protect ones country as well, why do you think we've not had an invasion of foreign military for so long eh? As for that ordeal, well that sucked, but at least the officer let you off with a warning after realizing why you opened your door. It's not like every officer is a trigger happy moron.

MustangMan29 13