
By smoothies14 - 06/11/2015 17:29 - United States - Weatherford

Today, I was studying on a bench outside my dorm when the leg snapped. I decided to do the right thing and let administration know what happened. After assuring me it wasn't my fault, and having me fill out an incident report, they billed me $400. I can't enroll for next semester until I pay. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 475
You deserved it 2 441

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least you did the right thing, most people would have walked away and pretended that they had no clue what happened... FYL for you having to pay for something that may or may not have been your fault

singlwforlife 22

That's the politics of college for you! I'm sorry, OP, you should fight that. I know my college has ways to fight unjust fines. I'm sure yours does too.


If there's one thing television has taught us, it's that when something breaks, you arrange it so that it looks functional and whistle innocently. Whistle, OP. Whistle incessantly regardless of how close you are to the bench or how long it's been since it broke.

OP will be having Vietnam-like flashbacks every time she sees a bench, thereby triggering her whistle disorder.

And put a hidden camera on it and upload the video of the next person to "break" it on YouTube.

Seems like a faulty bench...the college should be 100% responsible. Kudos to you for being the responsible party.

Why not remind them how lucky they are that you weren't badly injured from their failure to adequately maintain their property? If that fails, and you still have to pay, you should demand that they put a brass plaque on the bench, stating that "This bench is a generous gift from YOUR NAME".

leogachi 15

File an appeal. If that doesn't work, speak to a lawyer.

corky1992 33

I read the first part as " i was sitting in the bench outside my dorm, when my leg snapped."

anniemeece 23

Yes! I read it this way twice and couldn't figure out how OP was so calm about this. I was very concerned for your leg.

Yeah, same at first. I was like "wait, what? ...oh".

Same here, I was cringing while reading the rest of the FML.

Something like that happened to me when I was like 13. I was riding my bike with my friends, when suddenly I crashed and fell on a pipe breaking it. I felt bad so I told my mom and she told the neighborhood lady and we we're charged a BS $800. it sucks I know. FYL op.

#19 that's not a bs bill. You actually DID break it, so you were responsible for fixing it. OP didn't break the bench; she's just being blamed for it.

corky1992 33

But it was still an accident..not like he did it on purpose.

#29, I'm not saying it doesn't suck because it really, really does. But if someone damages my property and it costs $800 to fix, yeah I'm making them pay it, accident or not (unless it's covered by insurance, either theirs or mine). That's a hefty bill to take on for someone else damaging property.

they probably didn't think it's your fault until they weighed you.

Look in the Mirror , Does it say sucker on your face