
By smoothies14 - 06/11/2015 17:29 - United States - Weatherford

Today, I was studying on a bench outside my dorm when the leg snapped. I decided to do the right thing and let administration know what happened. After assuring me it wasn't my fault, and having me fill out an incident report, they billed me $400. I can't enroll for next semester until I pay. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 475
You deserved it 2 441

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least you did the right thing, most people would have walked away and pretended that they had no clue what happened... FYL for you having to pay for something that may or may not have been your fault

singlwforlife 22

That's the politics of college for you! I'm sorry, OP, you should fight that. I know my college has ways to fight unjust fines. I'm sure yours does too.


Yet another reason I say college is a business, they just try to get the most money out of you as possible

If it was determined to not be your fault, than them billing you is fraud

That was wrong for them to send you a bill. I hope you fight that and if you do I really think you will win. That's what they don't expect you to do so you need to stand up for yourself and not let them take advantage of you because that's what it is. Good luck.

Wow, reminds me of high school. I was just leaving to go home when I saw one of the door's glass "windows" was broken, looked to me like a small rock had caused it. Unlucky for me a teacher happened to arrive on the scene who then proceeded to interrogate me, thinking I did it. Took me 15 minutes to convince said teacher that 1. I did not do it and 2. I have no idea who did it. Geeze. Was fun explaining to my mom why I was late, since my home was a 10-minute walk from school.

That is ****** up! D: I hope you can get this resolved!

I'll be that one commentor who suggests you should sue them instead. Because of their unsafe bench.

Yeah for all you people who says we should report to authority and shit. They always blame you first. It's best to just walk off instead.

Ask to speak to a dean or president of the school. Also mention the fact that your back or neck hurts after their bench collapsed while you were on it...;)

Bullshit. You take it to someone who will listen and don't stop making a fuss. Go to the news.