Honk honk
By piemasterzim - 22/11/2012 01:20 - Canada

By piemasterzim - 22/11/2012 01:20 - Canada
By Kathryn - 13/08/2011 10:31 - Belgium
By Noname - 04/12/2008 04:39 - France
By Anonymous - 28/04/2024 15:00 - United Kingdom
By KittyKat - 03/11/2013 14:22 - United Kingdom - Milton Keynes
By Jessica - 15/05/2009 00:03 - United States
By Stan - 29/08/2011 21:19 - United States
By Fido - 06/06/2016 11:58 - United States
By shway - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States
By Anonymous - 18/12/2019 05:00
By parentof5 - 23/04/2011 15:20 - United States
Monkey see, monkey do.
That's how little kids work exactly. This will be a mortifying story when she's older and you are telling her future bf/fiancé. Haha. One question though OP, why do that in the first place?
22 - OP didn't know his daughter was watching. 23 - Just for fun?
I don't normally do this, but it got to me this time. Because** strange**
66 -- "Men do weird strange when they see them"? Right...
I believe 59 meant things instead of strings. :P
Monkey pee all over you.
Rule 1 of being a Grammar Nazi: Make sure your correction is correct, or you're going to look like a jackass.
66 - give up being a grammar nazi. You suck at it.
Sorry I kept reading it as tho things was already there. As tho it said "stringe things."
81 - *spelling nazi Oh, the irony.
She is going to be so mortified about it when she is older!
There will be a FML from her in the future. I'm sure of it.
This is why I dread ever getting married.
24 - Because you can't get pregnant if you aren't married. (sarcasm)
No, because I did a bunch of so called cute things similar to that when I was a kid. And when my father gives a toast he will be sure to tell everyone. What does pregnancy have to do with any of this?
My bad. I thought you meant you dreaded having one of your kids do the same if they saw their daddy grab mommy. Sorry about that.
Ohhh I see the connection, don't worry about it, it's an easy mistake!
Haha I can just see a rage comment about it then the "Oh God Why" face. Lol.
Yeah.. 12 years later from the girl---- Today, on my 12th birthday, I realized why everyone thinks I'm creepy. My parents brought me up letting me think I could honk random people's boobs. FML I feel bad for her future if you don't figure something out.
Wait till when she's older and it's done to her
72 - Thank you (: Its my favourite anime. And yes its a bit creepy, but it can happen to her.. O_o
that's enginious
Ingenious? No, not really.
I believe it was an attempted pun. Where engine is part of a car which has a horn which goes "HONK HONK". Needless to say it failed. Miserably.
The irony...
Odds are she would have picked it up eventually even if she didn't see it from you. When my friends daughter was about two she would grab her own chest and go "chi-chis" if she heard anything about boobs. To this day (she's 4 now) we have no idea where she learned it. Then about two months ago I accidentally got my 1 year old niece started on it after her mom and I were talking about the other little girl. It'll be a funny story when she grows up.
Cool story bro, tell it again.
Too much.
That's a cool story bro
Cool story "bra" would've been a-cup-propiate
This will become a rage comic in 13 years,
Oh God Why.....
Hey, remember that time...
hopefully that's all she's seen.
At least she didn't see motor boating!
That would be funny!
I actually know a guy who taught his daughter to do that to her mom when she was a baby.
Monkey see, monkey do.
She is going to be so mortified about it when she is older!