Honk honk

By Goosey - 12/12/2009 17:26 - United States

Today, I was on Tiger TV, our high school's monthly TV program, which was shown at lunch today. I was being interviewed and at one point the reporter made me laugh. I have a goose laugh so everyone in the lunchroom started laughing. Then they played it in slow motion. Twice. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 607
You deserved it 4 261

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tabloidscully 0

As a BV alum, reading this made me proud--"Tiger TV" is notorious for choosing the worst moments to showcase people! Tigers Class of 2003

What's a goose laugh? Last time I checked, geese don't laugh.


msj94 0

okay...just so everyone knows the person who posted this comments was not the person who had to deal with all the emberssment in all this haha jk, i forgive her still... okay?

goldfishy 0

Ohmygosh. I go to that school! Yeah they do humiliate people. One of my friends is on the recording crew so I avoid them at all costs. Lol

skyttlz 32

omg! I'm trying to figure out what a goose laugh sounds like and after imagining it I can't stop laughing!!

thecakeisapie 0

way to represent blue valley...if only I remembered this last year I could actually laugh at you :p

Tayzz123 0

at my school we have Tiger Tv too! only the rich kids got to do it though.

The high school I graduated from also had TigerTV but it was an every day morning announcement thingy