Honk honk

By Goosey - 12/12/2009 17:26 - United States

Today, I was on Tiger TV, our high school's monthly TV program, which was shown at lunch today. I was being interviewed and at one point the reporter made me laugh. I have a goose laugh so everyone in the lunchroom started laughing. Then they played it in slow motion. Twice. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 607
You deserved it 4 261

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tabloidscully 0

As a BV alum, reading this made me proud--"Tiger TV" is notorious for choosing the worst moments to showcase people! Tigers Class of 2003

What's a goose laugh? Last time I checked, geese don't laugh.


Serves you right for having an awful laugh, toots.

ha! Brilliant! In elementary, we always had a weather report and a contest to see who could actually point to where our town was. One person got it right. I got it second closest. There were people who pointed to like canada!! XD

OMFG xD This is my school. ROFL. Excellence.

Oh, but yeah: I don't think this is an FML. Tiger TV does that... they almost got a teacher fired once year for bleeping out the word "damn" and because of the censor, everyone thought he said "****."

tabloidscully 0

Which teacher?? I'm hoping to God it wasn't Mark Klopfenstein or John Holloway, though I could see it being either. I was in Klopfenstein's class the year of the World Trade Center bombings, and he made some comments that parents weren't too pleased with in the immediate after-math.

Nah, I couldn't imagine them getting in trouble for that. From the sounds of it, you're a graduate? Because this teacher left about two years ago, and was only there for one school year x3 I can't remember his first name, I think his name was Dr. McKenna? I think partially why he'd gotten in trouble was because he was so new~ xD

tabloidscully 0

Yeah, class of 2003--the first year Scott Bacon was principal, I believe. The name Dr. McKenna doesn't ring a bell.

CinderChicken 0

Honestly, I don't see the real problem. You're a damn cute girl with a cute laugh (if the clip i saw was you). But I suppose FYL because your school has a TV show with a really immature editor. Otherwise, laugh it off.

just be glad you weren't that blonde chick with the buck teeth.

hollywoodhero 0

do you, by any chance, go to Belton High?

Hmn. Don't understand why they made such a big deal, your laugh sounds pretty normal to me.

You should be glad that you're cute as **** and not embarrassed about your laugh which isn't even bad at all...