Honk honk

By Goosey - 12/12/2009 17:26 - United States

Today, I was on Tiger TV, our high school's monthly TV program, which was shown at lunch today. I was being interviewed and at one point the reporter made me laugh. I have a goose laugh so everyone in the lunchroom started laughing. Then they played it in slow motion. Twice. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 607
You deserved it 4 261

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tabloidscully 0

As a BV alum, reading this made me proud--"Tiger TV" is notorious for choosing the worst moments to showcase people! Tigers Class of 2003

What's a goose laugh? Last time I checked, geese don't laugh.


It's not that bad. Many people have hilarious laughs and people don't make a big deal.

it's the odd "Honk" sounding laugh, or it might bethe one that's like "hurr"

Batman4890 0

hahahahaha here goosy goosy goosy!

omg my school has tigertv too and i was humiliated on it once

i'd be happy if someone found that video and posted the link :)

bdebliek 0

http://www.schooltube.com/video/60580/Tiger-TV-December-09-Newscast 16:34

Ohh...I just watched the clip. It's really not that bad. But I do see how it's embarrassing how you were the only person on the whole thing they appeared to do anything to

i_eat_failure 0

Haha that wasnt so bad really, i'd laugh if that was me

mabye I should pay more attention to tiger tv if I'm missing this! frosh-2013

YDI for not taking a joke, having a "goose" laugh as you call it, and for saying goose laugh beacause I dont know what that sounds like. Look on the bright side... atleast you dont have a pig laugh