Hot air

By SuperSleuth - 07/10/2021 11:01 - United States - Miami

Today, right before my hubby got home and walked into the bedroom, I farted. The smell was so bad that he thought he'd stepped in shit and to looked at the bottom of his shoes for dog poop. I laughed so hard, but with a horrified look he asked, "How"? He says I've got to see a doctor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 831
You deserved it 354

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He's probably right. If your fart smells so bad after lingering for a few minutes or more, you might need medical intervention like a change of diet or being fitted for a butt-plug.


He's probably right. If your fart smells so bad after lingering for a few minutes or more, you might need medical intervention like a change of diet or being fitted for a butt-plug.