By Anonymous - 10/06/2013 01:52 - United States

Today, my husband farted, grabbed a fan and blew the smell right at me. Disgusted, I reminded him that I’m a lady, not a dude. He burst out laughing and sang, "Dude looks like a lady." FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 697
You deserved it 7 924

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should be able to handle someones farts and take it as a joke when you are married with them. Return the favor :)

SirTalkaton 22

It's not true love until you can fart in front of them. Sounds like you guys are golden


You should be able to handle someones farts and take it as a joke when you are married with them. Return the favor :)

I agree with that, but I feel like he didn't need to grab a fan a blow it at her. The stench would have reached her soon enough!

I find this funny. Lol! All the above.

What ? But women are Princesses : we don't pee, poop or fart ! ;) Instead we're making rainbows <3

#11, but then she would have time to escape!

baseballdude1283 18

That's a successful marriage right there

yeah confidence and jokes that's pretty much a good marriage

avapaige1234 19

Why are some people so illiterate with sarcasm?

avapaige1234 19

Why are some people so illiterate with sarcasm?

Sounds like you married a good man.

SirTalkaton 22

It's not true love until you can fart in front of them. Sounds like you guys are golden

Would that be a different story if OP farted? I just hope Op's spouse is prepared for retaliation.

flashback.miss 28

Aww come on, learn to laugh a little :) Should've sang along with him :D

At least he was joking, and didn't change the words to,"Lady looks like a dude."

"dude looks like.. He won't have a lady much longer"

mmizbbz210 13

its a joke. i dont understand how people can not take one...

My husband likes to do it after he eats cheese. I feel like I'm suffocating. Sounds like a great relationship to me :)