By almost broke - 21/02/2016 13:24 - Czech Republic - Brno

Today, because my fiancé is criminally incompetent at budgeting, I'm now having to pay the first installment for my own wedding ring. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 574
You deserved it 4 467

Same thing different taste

Top comments

expertsmilee 26

I understand how love is a complicated thing, but something in your brain has GOT to be saying this is a bad start and is probably a sign of how things are going to be going forward.


petert71 10

my partner doesn't have to be wealthy, but this isn't something I could live with for the rest of my life. I'd move on.

YourOpinionSucks 22

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tounces7 27

Unfortunately, you can't teach stupid away. It sounds more like he's blowing all his money on stupid shit, like lots of young guys do.

expertsmilee 26

I understand how love is a complicated thing, but something in your brain has GOT to be saying this is a bad start and is probably a sign of how things are going to be going forward.

mm12344 8

Why? Learning from mistakes is a part of life.

Steve97 32

Money plays a huge part in a marriage and can really destroy one. Not saying marry someone rich, just marry someone that will cause the least amount of financial stress as possible.

FalloutScrolls 25

I'm sure there's a book you guys could buy to help manage your money.

Geckosrock99 33

Yes, but if you buy the book, but never read it, then it's a waste of money.

mwali02 32

And sadly, even if you buy the book, read it, but still have no clue how to apply it to your life, it's still a waste of money. Until death do us part can sure be a long time if it starts like this... Best of luck OP.

joeyl2008 29

Don't worry #3 I understood you were joking.

uchua 16

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You sound like a wonderful, understanding human being

You don't financially tie yourself to someone who cannot budget. But I also think both parties should help pay for the rings. Don't get married until he learns to budget.

For the ENGAGEMENT ring? I agree with the wedding bands but not the engagement ring.

ChopSuey444 20

it clearly said wedding ring, #14...

I know you're right, but typically the engagement ring is the more expensive which requires multiple payments.

Yea because the important thing in a marriage is how good they are with money not how much you love someone. Also if you know how bad they are maybe don't buy an expensive wedding ring

For better or for worst is apart of the agreement?

Yes, it is. That said, you don't set yourself up for the worst possible scenarios straight off the bat, because that's dumb.

Buy him Dave Ramsey total money make over. it will help him a lot and lead to a happier less stressful marriage.

Buy him Dave Ramsey's total money make over system it will help you both and will help the marriage have a better chance considering financial strain leads to a lot of divorces.