Hot stuff

By Liam. - 01/02/2010 05:15 - France

Today, I was in an elevator, and the hot girl who lives in my building and who I have a crush on got in. She was in a wheelchair with a broken leg, I panicked and tried to flirt with her, and I said, "Nice chair." She replied, "Nice bruise" and punched me in the nuts. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 656
You deserved it 51 997

Same thing different taste

Top comments

doink 0

Did she have a Hoveround? If she did then technically you wouldn't have been lying.


Jacobi37 0
justJonny 0

I would've been like, "Are your feet tired? Because you've been- oh shit, what happened to your legs?!"

you should have punched her in her broken leg. if it was in a cast than it would not do any damage but just hurt like ****. have a nice day

I'm sure she wasn't happy about being in the wheelchair in the first place and making a comment that could easily be seen as offensive wasn't helping. although if that were me I probably wouldn't punch the balls, maybe the face? or I'd just say "**** you, asshole" :/  

Danielt104 6

Fyl, I know what it's like when you get really nervous around someone you like. You say something without thinking and it usually comes right back to bite you in the ass

Thunderbender 2

YDI because she was sitting in a wheel chair in the most vunerable posistion she could be in and ya didnt **** her up after that. All jokine aside a little bit of a YDI because your word filter probably should have stopped you from saying something so corny but when you're trying to make conversation real quick I can easily see where you would try to make it about the chair, ya just kinda went about it the wrong way :P And the girl isn't a TOTAL bitch because I can see how it could sound to her like you were being a complete jackass... I guess that brings her down to a regular bitch then.

Guitarist45 0

Whooooo lives in an apartment and has no life? Douche bag no skill!