Hot stuff
By Liam. - 01/02/2010 05:15 - France
By Liam. - 01/02/2010 05:15 - France
By wilsmith - 01/02/2010 12:36 - China
By grabber - 09/08/2009 23:43 - United States
By balancestrikesagain - 24/04/2009 09:37 - United States
By Chris - 01/01/2011 05:06 - United States
By PleaseDontHateMe - 20/09/2016 16:42 - Canada - Stony Plain
By TuralSucks - 11/03/2009 01:10 - United States
By ZeroLuck - 16/08/2013 02:32 - United States - Miami
By Chris - 22/10/2009 04:57 - Canada
By Dkim620 - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States
By Greg - 16/12/2018 13:30
ajjas has no life to ****
you should have punched her in her broken leg. if it was in a cast than it would not do any damage but just hurt like ****. have a nice day
u fail at flirting
I'm sure she wasn't happy about being in the wheelchair in the first place and making a comment that could easily be seen as offensive wasn't helping. although if that were me I probably wouldn't punch the balls, maybe the face? or I'd just say "**** you, asshole" :/
YDI because she was sitting in a wheel chair in the most vunerable posistion she could be in and ya didnt **** her up after that. All jokine aside a little bit of a YDI because your word filter probably should have stopped you from saying something so corny but when you're trying to make conversation real quick I can easily see where you would try to make it about the chair, ya just kinda went about it the wrong way :P And the girl isn't a TOTAL bitch because I can see how it could sound to her like you were being a complete jackass... I guess that brings her down to a regular bitch then.
Whooooo lives in an apartment and has no life? Douche bag no skill!
Nice bruise.
Did she have a Hoveround? If she did then technically you wouldn't have been lying.