Hygiene police

By Anonymous - 07/12/2010 02:58 - United States

Today, my daughter and husband surprised me at work. A whole bunch of my co-workers were standing around me when she ran up and hugged me. Her face is level with my crotch. She immediately jumped back from the hug and said, "Ewwww, smells like fish." FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 856
You deserved it 17 012

Same thing different taste

Top comments

petite_amber150 0

price check on vagiclean, I repeat, price check on vagiclean


so there was this blind man, he walks up to a fish market, takes a breath in and says "good morning ladies!!"

lol dats nasty shouls shower a lil mpre often

Just stop hiding your secret stash of fish there then.

The_Big_Mac 7

I bet if OP walked real fast she could roll up some fish McNuggets with tartar sauce.

Dude you are just gross. And people who say that it might have been her period, they are totally wrong. Period smells like fish when you don't change nor clean yourself. Poor girl... at least how she was traumatized, she will wash her ******.

guys. seriously. are you THAT stupid? my blood 'down below' smells like fishy metal (cuz of a large amount of iron in blood). I don't really know what other peoples smell like (cuz that would be weird) so it's probably just that. it's not that she doesnt wash enough!! you don't smell like fish if you miss a shower. you smell like b.o and greasy hair..... nice right?