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I deserve a raise and fall

By Anonymous - 02/09/2023 20:00 - United States

Today, I finally mustered the courage to ask my boss for a raise. I confidently walked into his office, ready to present my case, only to trip over the edge of a rug and fall onto his desk, scattering papers and stuff everywhere. FML
I agree, your life sucks 595
You deserved it 163

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds like your lawsuit for your injury due to a workplace hazard showing a crass disregard for safety will be much more lucrative than even a steep raise. You are now in the catbird seat for demanding a raise instead of suing for negligence.


Sounds like your lawsuit for your injury due to a workplace hazard showing a crass disregard for safety will be much more lucrative than even a steep raise. You are now in the catbird seat for demanding a raise instead of suing for negligence.