By lesson.learned - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom - Littlehampton

Today, I dragged my boyfriend to see Les Misérables with me. He now refuses to communicate with me through any medium other than singing. Apparently, this is his revenge. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 253
You deserved it 51 286

Top comments

So you're not a Fan-tine of expression through the medium of song? Then why don't Hugo tell him how you really feel about his miserable singing?

perdix 29

Maybe he was just incredibly inspired by the movie. Hint: Don't drag him to any zombie movies. Otherwise, you might lose your mind.


I suggest,you look into his eyes with full seriousness say, you need some serious singing lessons mate

I can't help but feel pity for the state of your sex life under these circumstances.

this could translate to a single movement.

saIty 17

If he can't sing record him singing and post it on Youtube. Revenge for revenge.

oh what a sweet revenge it is. or you could take this opportunity to get all his favorite songs stuck in his head so he sings for you

hellbilly205 17

I have saw this movie twice now, two diffrent girls dragged me to go see it, i cannot stand it

puppster391 16

I wouldn't even be mad. I'd join him.

WolfAtTheDoor 7

Sounds like you had this coming. Roll with it, this could turn into a good singing competition for you two.

Chris20003 17

I'm sorry you deserved it for forcing him to go.

laya_fml 26

Let's hope he doesn't sound miserable when he sings