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I'm not paid enough for this shit

By geoduck - 10/02/2011 05:31 - United States

Today, to prevent a fistfight at work, I had to mediate a contested debate between two coworkers on what was evidently a very touchy subject: Which is better, the orange creamsicle or the ice cream sandwich? I was the only one to get in trouble for wasting company time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 752
You deserved it 4 678

Same thing different taste

Top comments

should have let them fight. it would have been entertaining

YDI for trying to keep the peace. Don't you know the peacekeepers are always the ones to get screwed over! Next time just let them have it out, then record it on your phone and upload it to Yootoob for our entertainment value. ;-)


This argument was completely ridiculous. Everyone knows ice cream sandwiches are better :)

hellogoodbye1996 6
nowIshallrise 0

This is ridiculous. Go ice-cream sandwiches!

Good grief, ice-cream sandwiches are simply heavenly.

therealdavid 0

Orange creamsicle!!!!! mmmmm. like an ****** in your mouth.

I wish the ice cream sandwich guy had just knocked out the orange creamsicle idiot.

Eff all of you and your ice-cream sandwiches, orange cream-cicle FTW!


wow 37 u tried posting 26 fmls and not one got excepted. epic fail buddy.

Dude ice cream sandwiches are orgasmic lol

should have let them fight. it would have been entertaining

noobgang7 5

Yep! 1. Make popcorn 2. Find a nice chair 3. Watch the children fight

tatang93 0

how does crap fml like these gets approved?

And because the wording of the FML makes it quite funny. It all depends on who's writing it, cause someone like you probably would have ****** it up in how it was written.

But this FML is clearly bullshit, 2 people were fighting and the one person trying to break it up got in trouble??? No ****** way this really happened.

#25, if you're going to think like that, than probably 90% of these FMLs would be classified as 'fake'. You just have to deal with the fact that the FML made it through and stop ******* complaining.

Why were you even arguing about this!? Obviously ice cream sandwichs are better... It would be funny to see a flame war start in the comments about this. :P

Oh joy you're back for another round, can I block him somehow or do I have to pray to the mod Gods to ban him, I'll grovel if I have to. Fine, *AHEM* PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE.

Ice cream sandwich. That's no contest.


Ice cream sandwich is better! Anyone have a problem with that?!


MissFukMyLuck 0

agreed. ice cream sandwiches ftw

ice cream samwich!!!! oh wait lactose intolerant :( creamcicle ftw bitches!!!!!! oh wait... nvm D:

I must agree with 81, I've personally felt how win it is

YDI for trying to keep the peace. Don't you know the peacekeepers are always the ones to get screwed over! Next time just let them have it out, then record it on your phone and upload it to Yootoob for our entertainment value. ;-)

ahh that's more like it. now I can comment. I think one of those dayum moderators screwed my account. @ topic u so deserved this. why do u care enough to get involved??

Rdozer 0

Depends on whether it was a Klondike or not!

ThexFroggyGirl 21

Oh yes, Klondikes are good :] Either way, ice cream sandwich is most definitely better :D

this is why, when I'm at work, if irritant involve me, I stay out if it. if two idiots want to fight about ice cream, let them. you don't get in trouble, they do. and on a side note, who gets in a fistfight over what flavor tastes better?