I'm not paid enough for this

By Doublescrewed - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff

Today, I showed up for my first shift in my new night job; I now work at an apartment complex during the day and at a gas station at night. It turns out that our biggest problem tenant in the former happens to be my boss in the latter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 624
You deserved it 1 632

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Move things around in their apartment to mess with his head if they are a jerk as your boss.

Only one way to resolve this. Gasoline fight!!


Only one way to resolve this. Gasoline fight!!

Hopefully OP doesn't light a cigarette in the middle of it for a smoke..

That would be tragic. Just because we have chiselled abs and stunning features, it doesn't mean that we too can't not die in a freak gasoline fight accident.

AnOriginalName 19

I think there might be more to life than being really really ridiculously good looking.

Ask to be transferred. Sometimes accommodations can be made

Bad luck mate. Try to strike up a friendship or least gain a mutual respect if you can

tigerzroze 16

That is horrible, I know just how bad problem tenants can be. I hate to say it, but I think you may want to start looking for another night job. I have dealt with many problem tenants, and some you eventually can build up a decent relationship with, but the really bad ones rarely change. I hope whatever you decide to do works out well for you OP.

lexiieeex3 32

If the night job is fairly new I would seek another, there have to be dozens of gas stations in the area I doubt you'll have a problem getting hired but good luck regardless OP

ohmyrosie 14

better find another night shift lol.

Redgy22 26

You didn't know who your new boss was going to be when you applied/interviewed?