I'm outta here

By Anonymous - 22/03/2013 06:13 - United States

Today, I finally built up the courage to quit my job. I waited an hour to speak to the boss; I finally sat down with her, and she told me I had to be let go because I'm not "reliable enough." The only time I missed work was when I had the stomach flu. I was fired before I could even quit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 019
You deserved it 3 482

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well if you were fired then collect unemployment.

perdix 29

The best of both worlds! Now, you can collect unemployment -- you can't get that if you quit voluntarily. Also, if you have that bogus "not reliable enough" reason on paper, you have basis for a wrongful termination lawsuit. You get to stop working at a shithole and have two chances to score some free cash from them. Congrats!


I just tried to quit mine too. They said no.

Now you can collect unemployment! Yay!

At least if you're fired, you can get unemployment!

Being unreliable can mean other than missing work. If you don't meet deadlines or spend time malingering on the job, you're unreliable. There's plenty more reasons too.

Why compain about that? Your end goal was to not work there anymore, you accomplished that. If you'd quit you wouldn't have been able to pull unemployment, but since you got fired they'll have to pay you for the next year.

MTCoralReefer 10

Thats when you stand up and say you already quit 20 mins ago

qanaesin 1

why be upset, claim unemployment