I'm outta here

By Anonymous - 22/03/2013 06:13 - United States

Today, I finally built up the courage to quit my job. I waited an hour to speak to the boss; I finally sat down with her, and she told me I had to be let go because I'm not "reliable enough." The only time I missed work was when I had the stomach flu. I was fired before I could even quit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 019
You deserved it 3 482

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well if you were fired then collect unemployment.

perdix 29

The best of both worlds! Now, you can collect unemployment -- you can't get that if you quit voluntarily. Also, if you have that bogus "not reliable enough" reason on paper, you have basis for a wrongful termination lawsuit. You get to stop working at a shithole and have two chances to score some free cash from them. Congrats!


I dont see why your complaining, now you can collect unemployment.

Who said it was a complaint? Just because it's posted on FML, does that make it so?

hooligyn123 18

Upside: Potential unemployment. Downside: Loss of a potential reference when job hunting. Sadly a lot of jobs won't even bother with an interview if you have been let go from your last job. With such a high unemployment rate, employers are able to be more picky than before. Hell, my job posted for a 20 hr/WK dish washing position and had over 100 applicants in 24 hours. Good luck OP, hope you get unemployment.

Can't have an employee who gets sick, now can you?

You know a person can be unreliable even while they're at work, right?

mokielove 10

you shoulda just walked in, said you quit. quitting a job looks better on other applications then getting fired.

Should have told him that they can't fire as you quit... Then run around the room laughing. Might as well have fun :)

OP You got work-****-blocked! "You can't quit me, I fire you!!!" Count your blessings. Move on to a job you enjoy!!

They probably had a feeling you were quitting, and wanted to beat you to it. Lots of FMLs have mentioned that... Like replying to a job post finding out it was your position they were hiring for??? Good luck, hopefully you were smart enough to line up another before leaving this job.

Well now you can try for unemployment, or wrongful termination if you don't live in work at will state. If you can prove you didnt miss any days except for one documented sickness then I think you'd win your case, or they'd settle out of court.

maybe they meant unreliable in other parts or maybe they're a jerk