I've got a lot going on

By Anonymous - 23/10/2024 09:00 - Germany - Munich

Today, I, a fucking international student who's been here for like two weeks, ditched the end of a lecture because I had to get off in the men's bathroom, after being degraded by an ex who hates me. Instead of moving up in life, I do this stupid shit because I like being treated like entertaining garbage. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16
You deserved it 114

Same thing different taste

Top comments

awrb 3

perhaps seek counselling if your actions and emotional responses are not healthy.

indiemusicnerdgirl 21

That sounds like a you problem. If they kick you out and degrade you about it well the bathroom will be open on your way out.


indiemusicnerdgirl 21

That sounds like a you problem. If they kick you out and degrade you about it well the bathroom will be open on your way out.

awrb 3

perhaps seek counselling if your actions and emotional responses are not healthy.