I've seen it all

By gspotter - 14/11/2014 21:58 - Canada - Verdun

Today, I get to add spaghetti sauce to my rather extensive list of things that don't belong in a person's eye but that end up in mine anyway. Other items include molten cheese, rock salt, orange juice, chips of nail polish, cotton fibers, and firework ash. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 127
You deserved it 5 037

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds like you should just invest in some permanent goggles


that's just common sense you shouldn't need a list

I feel like she left one out.. *cough cough* cum *cough*

Don't feel too bad, I've had spider venom and egg in my eyes

op you need to wear googles or something or remove your eyes so nothing goes in them. your choice :) oh and boooo to the idiots saying cum. ya nasties.

SystemofaBlink41 27

How do you get molten cheese in your eyes? I mean, I've gotten some horrible stuff in my eyes, but molten cheese is a new one...

probably the same way I've gotten ketchup in my eyes; by some freak accident. ketchup burns really bad by the way. i can't imagine what hot sauce might feel like.

SystemofaBlink41 27

Well, I've actually gotten some hot sauce in my eye. A tiny bit, but it still felt like Satan himself was burning me.

Axel5238 29

I got habanero oil in my eyes. When you make chili make sure you use gloves and don't try to wipe your hair away from your face.

SydLovesLacey 18

Okay, there are far worse things than this..

RA91 26

Ô.ō wow, that is some luck you got there op.