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By say no to indoctrination - 22/08/2020 20:02 - United States

Today, I was called everything from a communist to a nazi to a national traitor for suggesting that kids shouldn’t be forced to recite the pledge of allegiance at school until they’re old enough to truly understand what it means. Someone even threatened to kick my ass for speaking up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 856
You deserved it 867

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The Supreme Court agreed that children can't be forced to say the pledge. If a child chose to remain silent or seated, they cannot be punished.

Funny how the same people who request that your kids mindlessly recite a Pledge of Allegiance like in Soviet Russia or the Hitlerian Youth call you a Communist and a Nazi.


Who can possibly be for "liberty and justice for all?" Q doesn't think child-eating satanists deserve liberty! WYSIWYG.

The Supreme Court agreed that children can't be forced to say the pledge. If a child chose to remain silent or seated, they cannot be punished.

If this is fact, why was this ever downvoted?

because some feel their opinion supercedes legal fact. granted not an American so I don't know if it's actually fact

Mathalamus 24

Because it was apparently never enforced properly.

It is a fact and because kids aren't told they don't have to do it. When we are many of us choose not to do it. As an adult I would never ask anyone to pledge allegiance to a flag. The Flag is just a piece of cloth.

Being pressured into pledging loyalty to a country is the same as communism. That is not freedom.

Funny how the same people who request that your kids mindlessly recite a Pledge of Allegiance like in Soviet Russia or the Hitlerian Youth call you a Communist and a Nazi.

Taylor Caldwell 10

gotta be careful with who you share your opinions with.

Pledge of Allegiance, written by Francis Bellamy. Also creator of the Bellamy Salute. Next time someone says that to you, tell them to google ‘Bellamy Salute’.

The pledge of allegiance is literally one of the most communist things about our country.